Our little cutie is making big progress!!! After mastering the basics like drinking, digesting and sleeping (not so easy as you might think, see blog HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUIS), he just smiled for the first time! What a wonderful sign that your baby is doing just fine. We are so proud of out little one and can't stop admiring him.
Luis got his first bath at around three weeks. As you can tell, it was a disaster. Little man was not amused. He screamed through the whole procedure, and only stopped, once he had him back on solid ground. Three months on, and it's a total different story. Luis loves bath time! He is now splishing and splashing, giggles with joy, and wants to stay in the tub forever.
Now that Luis can hold his head (+/-12 weeks), he loves to be carried on the back, and look around. And he is not afraid of anything! Whenever we go hiking, he bathes in freezing rivers, pets big dogs and wild horses, and tastes everything, that he can grab.
At about four months Luis started to show a lot of interest in our food, and has since tried plums, pears, melons, figs, strawberries, and who knows what else. He loves everything. We took his interest as a signal to start with solids. Now Florian, Luis and I have lunch together! When I put Luis in his chair, he is always pounding the table, impatiently waiting for his food. His absolute favourite is palta (Chilean for avocado). Isn't that just right for the first Chileno in the family!
Also at around four months Luis demonstrated his first skills in sitting. Through a clever three anchor point solution, using his hands and mouth, he sat up in his crib one day, and gave us a big proud smile!