From Santiago to Madrid to Frankfurt and on to the world-renowned village of Velden, where grandma and grandpa had already been expecting us. When they last saw him, Luis could barely hold his head, and now he was sitting up, and smiling with two little teeth. Luis also met his nieces Julie and Fleur for the first time. The girls creatively decorated Luis' mohawk with spring flowers. Our little boy didn't mind. He was fascinated by all the attention, and most of all, the new toys!

Business in Santiago forced us to cramp our Europe trip into 2 weeks only, but of course we couldn’t leave out Dresden. The Gütz clan, Cameroonian acquaintances, emigrated friends from Chile, and old classmates from Anna, yes, it was quite the hussle and bussle. In between we did some Japanese-style sightseeing, and rushed through dm, Media Markt, Ikea & Co. to stock up on things we cannot get in Chile.