Florian wanted a cat in Peru already, only he was at the construction site 24/7, hence no ideal conditions for a pet. But that's different now. And as fate would have it, our friend Florence searched for a new kitten-home right after we arrived, because her study abroad was ending and she couldn't take Loreta back to France. It was a hard goodbye for Florence, but 4 months old Loreta seemed totally unimpressed by all the changes and keen to take posession of her new home. She loves playing with tomato stalks, houseflies or plastic bottle caps, in fact everything except designated cat toys. Those things are boring. And she's smart! With an international past as her's, Loreta already "speaks" 6 languages: Spanish, French, German, Dutch, English and of course Meow. It's the very first pet for both of us, thus exiting times!