He choose a special date: the first day of spring in the Southern hemisphere. And Chilean spring welcomed Luis with pouring rain, that cleared away all the smog and gave way to a spectacular panorama of the snow-capped Cordillera. What a brilliant day to start a life! However not such a brilliant start into parenthood, since the clothes we brought along for Luis were all too small. It simply didn't come to our minds to bring a variety of sizes, just in case. Well, I guess he'll forgive us. Daddy drove home and quickly got a bigger wardrobe for not so little Luis.

Luis, flabbergasted by all the new impressions, simply decided that drinking can come later. And so arrived the first moments of concern and worry for us new parents. The next morning at the clinic, when we described the problem and wanted to demonstrate, how he is NOT drinking, he drank like a champ and since then it has become his favourite pastime. Meanwhile we got the hang of Luis' daily routines – sleeping, drinking, pooping, sleeping, drinking etc. But also the first piece of art was created! We decorated some pages of his baby album with cute hand and foot prints. As a real artist, Luis not only decorated the album, but also generously marked mum and dad and half of the living room :-)