Yes, we made it! Traveling 3000km from Santiago to Punta Arenas, navigating through the narrow Beagle Channel, and surviving all these Pisco Sours in the bar, we finally arrived at THE CAPE, Cape Horn! Naval habits say, after circumnavigating Cape Horn, one should have a tattoo done of a ship under full sail; since the most dangerous part of the trip is over. Well, we got a passport stamp in place of a tattoo, however the spirit of getting tattoos is understandable. We faced wind gusts of over 140 km/h!! It was hard enough to keep standing and absolutely impossible to take non-blurry pictures (as you can see). Florian's face got whipped wildly with my dissolving rain cape. Poor guy... We all had a lot of fun trying not to fall overboard!
A nice "did you know ": Cape Horn is named after the city of Hoorn in Nord Holland, where De Beiaard, Florian's favorite student bar, was founded.
Cheers! One last Pisco Sour in Chilean waters. Tomorrow we will disembark in Ushuaia/Argentina!